Ahimsa restaurant owner, Dusica Tomic, accepted a job offer in New York some three and a half decades ago, right after graduating from Belgrade University. Soon after, she embarked on her journey of fashion industry career and she stayed on that path until she moved back to Serbia in 2021. She was extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to travel the world with her work and to get to know different cultures, traditions, cuisines and wonderful people who were more than happy to satisfy her curiosity, especially when it came to local delicacies. Somewhere along the way, as it happens to many, she went through a challenging period of overwhelming sense of burden under the life’s heavy load. And that’s when Yoga came into her life with all its “magic”; techniques and tools, which gave her hope, energy and strength to continue on her life’s journey. With the concept of AHIMSA (non-violence in Sanskrit), it was clear right away that, for the animal’s sake, her next step would be to move to the vegetarian diet. A few years later, for the same reason, she switched to fully plant- based way of living.